Post by account_disabled on Mar 4, 2024 8:48:10 GMT
The an error message or default content and retry on the next page view. There are other potential issues people can run in to as well. The Washington Post for example built a PWA version of their site but it only works on a mobile device. Obviously that means the site can be crawled nicely by Googles mobile bots but not the desktop ones. Its important to respect the P part of the acronym the website should enable features that a user can make use of but still work in a normal manner for those who are using browsers that dont support them. Its about enhancing functionality progressively not demanding that people upgrade their browser.
The only slightly tricky thing with all of this is that it requires that Greece Mobile Number List for best experience you design your application for offlinefirst experiences. How thats done is referenced in Jakes talk above. The only issue with going down that route youre only serving content once someones arrived at your site and waited long enough to load everything. Obviously in the case of Google thats not going to work well. So heres what Id suggest... shell and then using AJAX to request content on load and then picking up use this workflow instead User arrives at site Site sends back the application shell the minimum and.
CSS to make everything work immediately along with... ...the content AJAX response preloaded as state for the application The application loads that immediately and then picks up the front end. Adding in the data required means that on load we dont have to make an AJAX call to get the initial data required. Instead we can bundle that in too so we get something that can render content instantly as well. As an example of this lets think of a weather app. Now the basic model would be that we send the user all the content to show a basic.
The only slightly tricky thing with all of this is that it requires that Greece Mobile Number List for best experience you design your application for offlinefirst experiences. How thats done is referenced in Jakes talk above. The only issue with going down that route youre only serving content once someones arrived at your site and waited long enough to load everything. Obviously in the case of Google thats not going to work well. So heres what Id suggest... shell and then using AJAX to request content on load and then picking up use this workflow instead User arrives at site Site sends back the application shell the minimum and.
CSS to make everything work immediately along with... ...the content AJAX response preloaded as state for the application The application loads that immediately and then picks up the front end. Adding in the data required means that on load we dont have to make an AJAX call to get the initial data required. Instead we can bundle that in too so we get something that can render content instantly as well. As an example of this lets think of a weather app. Now the basic model would be that we send the user all the content to show a basic.